The Deep Learning Specialization is designed to prepare learners to participate in the development of cutting-edge AI technology, and...
Dallas, Texas | Panama
Instalación de MeTA en Ubuntu 18
admin, , Data Science, Inteligencia Artificial, Uncategorized, C++, MeTA, NLP, 0MeTA (ModErn Text Analysis) es un libreria de C++ para el desarrollo de procesos en Data Science como procesamiento...
National Taiwan University – Artificial Intelligence – Search & Logic
admin, , Certificados, Inteligencia Artificial, Artificial Intelligence, 0Artificial Intelligence Certificate (PDF) Verify at Syllabus: Introduction & Intelligent agents Uninformed search Informed search Non-classic search Adversarial...
IBM – Blockchain Foundation for Developers
admin, , Blockchain, Certificados, Blockchain, Hyperledger, 0Certificate (PDF) Verify at About this course If you’re a software developer and new to blockchain, this is...
Google Cloud – Launching Into Machine Learning
admin, , Certificados, Machine Learning, Machine Learning with TensorFlow, Google Cloud, machine learning, TensorFlow, 0Certificate (PDF) Verify at Starting from a history of machine learning, we discuss why neural networks today perform...
Imperial College – Mathematics for Machine Learning – Linear Algebra
admin, , Certificados, Machine Learning, Imperial College London, Linear Algebra, machine learning, 0Certificate (PDF) Verify at In this course on Linear Algebra we look at what linear algebra is and...
Google Cloud – GCP Big Data And Machine Learning Fundamentals
admin, , Certificados, Data Engineer, Big Data, Data Engineer, GCP, machine learning, 0Certificate (PDF) Verify at In this 1-week accelerated on-demand course introduces participants to the Big Data and Machine...
Certificate (PDF) In this course, you I learn how to apply the functional programming style in the design...
Certificate (PDF) About the course Functional programming is becoming increasingly widespread in the industry. This trend is driven...
Google – Designing Highly Scalable Web Apps on Google Cloud Platform
admin, , Certificados, Google Cloud, 0Certificate (PDF) About the course This course covers the details of designing highly available and scalable applications and...
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